SEMANA en español
A unique Spanish language immersion program in
Oaxaca, México

Nothing works better to learn a language than sustained practice.
Our "Semana en español" is a Total Immersion of Language and Culture.
No English!
The Program
Study the language culture, and history by living with us in residence in a beautiful private home. All of our homes have lovely Oaxaca decor and comfortable furnishings, where we set up our materials for your total immersion learning experience. We offer a thoroughly integrated program of classes, experiential learning, and cultural exploration for small groups of students. We'll visit famous sites such as Monte Albán and Santo Domingo. We'll work closely with the communities in Oaxaca to provide you with the ultimate authentic learning experience.
Live the language!
Oaxaca is nestled in a lush valley, surrounded by the gentle hills of the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental. Oaxaca (pronounced WA-HA-CA), once the ancient center of zapoteca and mixteca cultures, is now the vibrant capital of the state of the same name.
Visit one of the world's leading Unesco cities declared Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Do it with the experts!
Your course of study will cover vocabulary, verb tenses, and grammar issues sequenced and organized to match your level of Spanish, always with emphasis on oral communication skills and contextual learning. Practice your Spanish as we visit artesanos and artists in their homes in nearby villages, while they share the secrets of their crafts.
Daily Activities
¡En español!
We'll visit the markets, stores, museums, local restaurants, workshops and more, doing all of our interactions in Spanish. We'll have fun lessons and assignments on-site so you can learn and practice your Spanish by doing and talking with the locals.
Cultural Activities
Practice your Spanish as we visit a number of indigenous villages near Oaxaca, home to many of the finest of Mexican artesanía – black pottery, wool rugs, fanciful carve wood animals and much more. An incredible opportunity to meet real artesanos and artists in their homes, while they share the secrets of their crafts.
We are known for our innovative and imaginative techniques and materials. You will get a chance to dye wool with a master weaver, make mole from scratch with local famous cooks, and spend the day researching in the most important museums. We'll have special expert guests presenting unique learning opportunities.
All of it in Spanish.
There is no place like Oaxaca. It's the perfect place to get to know the real Mexico, immersing yourlsef in the language and culture.
SEMANA en español, 14-day Immersion in Oaxaca, México.
$200 discount for 90 days early enrollment and payment
All inclusive except for airfare.
Your SEMANA en español consist of Spanish language instructional program, course materials, class excursions, lodging, and meals. You will study vocabulary, verb tenses, and grammar issues sequenced and organized to match your level of Spanish. We emphasize oral communication skills and contextual learning.
Dates / Pricing
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